da Maineri Bruno | Mar 3, 2021 | Regolamentazione e norme
1 marzo 2021
- The draft technical standards provide a framework for ESG disclosures to ensure stakeholders are informed about ESG exposures and strategies and can make informed decisions and exercise market discipline.
- The standards put forward comparable disclosures and KPIs, including a green asset ratio, as a tool to show how institutions are embedding sustainability considerations in their risk management, business models and strategy and their pathway towards the Paris agreement goals
- The EBA has developed the Consultation paper in parallel and consistently with its advice to the EU Commission on ESG disclosures under the EU taxonomy, including a proposal for a Green Asset ratio (GAR).
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a consultation paper on draft implementing technical standards (ITS) on Pillar 3 disclosures on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. The draft ITS put forward comparable disclosures that show how climate change may exacerbate other risks within institutions’ balance sheets, how institutions are mitigating those risks, and their green asset ratio on exposures financing taxonomy-aligned activities, such as those consistent with the Paris agreement goals.
Disclosure of information on ESG risks is a vital tool to promote market discipline, allowing stakeholders to assess banks’ ESG related risks and sustainable finance strategy.
In line with the requirements laid down in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), the draft ITS proposes comparable quantitative disclosures on climate-change related transition and physical risks, including information on exposures towards carbon related assets and assets subject to chronic and acute climate change events. They also include quantitative disclosures on institutions’ mitigating actions supporting their counterparties in the transition to a carbon neutral economy and in the adaptation to climate change. In addition, they include a GRA, which identifies the institutions’ assets financing activities that are environmentally sustainable according to the EU taxonomy, such as those consistent with the European Green Deal and the Paris agreement goals. Finally, the draft ITS provide qualitative information on how institutions are embedding ESG considerations in their governance, business model and strategy and risk management framework.
The EBA has integrated proportionality measures that should facilitate institutions’ disclosures, including transitional periods where disclosures in terms of estimates and proxies are allowed.
Consultation process
Comments to this consultation can be sent to the EBA by clicking on the “send your comments” button on the consultation page. Please note that the deadline for the submission of comments is 1 June 2021. All contributions received will be published following the end of the consultation, unless requested otherwise.
A public hearing will be organised in the form of a webinar on 26 March from 11:30 to 13:30 CET. The EBA invites interested stakeholders to register using this link.
The dial-in details will be communicated in due course.
Legal basis and background
Article 434a of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) mandates the EBA to develop draft implementing technical standards specifying uniform disclosure formats, and associated instructions in accordance with which the disclosures required in Part eight of the CRR shall be made. Those uniform formats shall convey sufficiently comprehensive and comparable information for users of that information to assess the risk profiles of institutions.
The ITS will amend the final draft ITS on institutions’ public disclosures with the strategic objective of defining a single, comprehensive Pillar 3 framework under the CRR that should integrate all the relevant Pillar 3 disclosure requirements. This will facilitate institutions’ implementation and enhance clarity for users of such information, as expressed in the EBA Pillar 3 roadmap.
When developing these proposals, the EBA has built on the Financial Stability Board Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (FSB-TCFD) recommendations, the Commission’s non-binding guidelines on climate-change reporting, and on the EU Taxonomy. The EBA has developed this consultation paper in parallel and consistently with the Advice to the Commission on disclosures under Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation, including a common proposal for a GAR.
da Maineri Bruno | Feb 27, 2021 | Regolamentazione e norme
Frankfurt am Main, 25 January 2021
Il Presidente della BCE passa in rassegna i principali rischi climatici e l’approccio che le banche stanno adottando per mitigarlo.
da Maineri Bruno | Feb 26, 2021 | Regolamentazione e norme
Gentili Soci ed Amici,
la disponibilità del sito implica che ogni comunicazione da parte di APB viene effettuata con la pubblicazione in questa sezione del sito, nella chat Whatsapp, in Linkedin e per mail.
Preghiamo i Soci e gli amici di porre attenzione al mittente di ogni comunicazione dal momento che sembra che il nome e ll marchio APB siano in questo momento utilizzati in modo non del tutto corretto
da Maineri Bruno | Feb 17, 2021 | Regolamentazione e norme
17 February 2021
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has forced banks and policymakers to respond to rapidly changing circumstances. One of ECB Banking Supervision’s responses was to adapt its annual assessment of banks’ risks – the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) – to the reality of the pandemic. This more pragmatic SREP reduced resource intensity and alleviated the operational burden for banks while still ensuring a rigorous assessment approach. Supervisors focused on a few key questions: how are banks handling the challenges and effects of the pandemic? Are they prepared for future crises and, most importantly, what valuable lessons can be learned from the pandemic?The outcomes of the 2020 SREP assessment reaffirmed some of the areas of concern flagged by ECB Banking Supervision in the past. As a result, credit risk, profitability and internal governance will remain high on the supervisory agenda.
In more detail, the 2020 assessment revealed a decline in banks’ profitability, as banks anticipated increased losses in their loan books from debtors struggling to repay their loans. Lower net interest income and a decline in fees and commissions put additional strain on profitability. On a more positive note, the trend towards more innovative business processes for customers and employees has been accelerated by the pandemic. Moreover, the pandemic crisis has made some banks rethink broader strategic issues, such as the need for further restructuring.
Regarding internal governance, the assessment highlighted that, on the whole, banks were able to adapt to the unprecedented circumstances, with many banks swiftly establishing effective crisis committees to help steer them through the pandemic. However, some banks were much slower to adapt. ECB Banking Supervision also found that the non-executive directors of some banks had not played an active enough role in the decision-making process for the bank’s crisis response. Some banks failed to ensure adequate bottom-up reporting or continued to have difficulties in producing high-quality data on the risks to which they are exposed. In many cases, the pandemic further exacerbated existing issues.
Banks entered the crisis with stronger capital positions than in 2008, meaning that they were more resilient to any shocks. However, as loan losses directly affect capital ratios, ECB Banking Supervision will continue to closely monitor banks’ capital adequacy and non-performing loans (NPLs). The fallout from COVID-19 may be especially challenging for those banks with a significant concentration of exposures to sectors that have been most affected by the pandemic. Supervisors are therefore looking into these exposures in detail and factoring in the situation and outlook for each vulnerable sector. It is important to note that the expected increase in NPLs is yet to materialise and is not yet fully reflected in balance sheets and capital ratios. To deal with what lies ahead and keep NPLs contained, banks need to ensure that they are able to adequately identify and manage distressed debtors. ECB Banking Supervision will remain vigilant to under-provisioning. Furthermore, many banks were unable to produce reliable forward-looking capital projections, which are crucial to steering a bank’s capital position through the COVID-19 storm and beyond. To address this issue, ECB Banking Supervision will further refine its methodology for assessing banks’ capital plans in the 2021 SREP.
The 2020 SREP assessment also highlighted one very positive outcome: banks proved to be operationally resilient when suddenly confronted with the pandemic. Despite branch closures, banks continued to serve their customers thanks to digitalisation and increased use of online banking. However, in other operational risk areas supervisors noted room for improvement in the quality of business continuity plans and in addressing related recommendations. Some banks were also asked to make their critical banking services less dependent on third parties and to resolve significant IT issues.
In 2020 ECB Banking Supervision adapted its annual assessment of banks to the pandemic crisis but scrutinised their practices nevertheless. Work will continue on the longer-standing issues, such as low profitability and governance. Credit risk management and NPLs will also remain high on the agenda for 2021 with a view to safeguarding the banking sector’s capital levels. Things will return to normal for the 2021 SREP cycle. The results from the assessment will be used to determine banks’ capital and liquidity requirements for 2022, while allowing banks enough time to restore any buffers that they used during the pandemic.
da Maineri Bruno | Feb 17, 2021 | Regolamentazione e norme
17 February 2021
Digitalisation has become increasingly important in recent years. However, digital transformation is an ambitious and wide-ranging process, as it requires rethinking organisational structures and adapting the working culture. In 2020 European banking supervision presented its comprehensive action plan to drive forward digital transformation at the ECB and the national supervisory authorities. This action plan fosters innovation and digitalisation to complement the current systems and practices used in supervision. The plan is not to replace these systems and practices, but rather to use new technologies to complement them. Since every change comes with its own set of challenges, how can European banking supervision make digital transformation a success?
First and foremost, when embarking on a transformation journey, it is essential to consider people first because they play a key role in the success of digital transformation. Staff should be empowered to embrace change and work in new ways. This requires creating and fostering a digital culture across all functions and at all levels. Nevertheless, it is not unusual for change and disruptive technologies to be met with scepticism within an organisation. This challenge was one of the topics discussed at the ECB’s first Supervision Innovators Conference on 30 November 2020. The online conference brought together participants from all over the world to discuss the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation in banking supervision. In her keynote speech, Susanne Klatten, entrepreneur and Chair of the Supervisory Board of UnternehmerTUM GmbH, shared her vision of “human tech”. She emphasised that technology will not replace human capabilities but will instead enhance and refine our analytical capacities. Jekaterina Govina, Lithuania’s member of the ECB’s Supervisory Board, underscored this point by stressing that in the future AI will assist supervisors by relieving them of repetitive tasks. AI could further help to overcome human bias and enable greater connectivity between different systems and data. Ms Govina highlighted that European banking supervision needs to be ready for the increased adoption of AI by financial market participants. Banking supervisors need to make a big effort to raise awareness of the impact of new technologies on banking processes and to strengthen their technology skills.
Against this backdrop, European banking supervision is currently developing a comprehensive training programme on supervisory technologies (suptech). The training will cover, among other topics, machine learning techniques applied for supervisory purposes and is aimed at staff at all levels of the ECB and the national supervisors. It is intended to include courses on behavioural skills, such as teamwork, agility and knowledge-sharing, in the programme as these are key factors in accelerating digital transformation.
Technological change requires more than just the right culture, structure and working practices. That is why European banking supervision introduced a hub-and-spoke innovation model to foster agile collaboration and the joint development of suptech solutions. In this hub-and-spoke structure, innovation teams from the ECB and national supervisors pool their knowledge and contribute to the overall goal of digital transformation. These teams are composed of experts from various functions (e.g. IT, supervision and statistics), with diverse skill sets. They are already working on implementing a number of suptech projects, including in the areas of advanced data analytics and textual analysis. To promote collaboration and innovation, the ECB is building a state-of-the-art platform: the Virtual Lab. This platform facilitates cross-border teamwork and allows European banking supervisors to explore innovative ideas and to collaborate on AI developments and other projects. Knowledge-sharing plays an important role in creating synergies and identifying the areas in which suptech can make the greatest contribution.
European banking supervision does not only want to develop and incorporate state-of-the-art technologies in its daily practices. As Pentti Hakkarainen, ECB representative to the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Steering Committee Digital Agenda, underlined in his speech at the Supervision Innovators Conference, European supervisors want to be at the forefront of digitalisation and help drive suptech innovation around the world. To achieve this, European banking supervision has established a network in which academics, start-ups and leading authorities work together on suptech innovation. Successful digital transformation requires a collaborative community in which members share information. Supervisory Board Chair Andrea Enria explained why such a community makes a difference: “Innovation is not an individual sport. We only have a chance to create something big if we share our achievements and the lessons we have learned and inspire each other.” With this in mind, ECB Banking Supervision is pleased to announce that the next global Supervision Innovators Conference is scheduled for autumn 2021.
European Central Bank
Directorate General Communications
Sonnemannstrasse 20, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel.: +49 69 1344 7455, email: media@ecb.europa.eu
Website: www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu
Reproduction is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged.
da Maineri Bruno | Feb 10, 2021 | Regolamentazione e norme
srl unipersonale
Roma, 8 febbraio 2021
Gentile Collega/Socio,
con grande piacere porto a tua conoscenza la notizia che APB srl con la collaborazione di APB Associazione sta realizzando un piano formativo multidisciplinare (regolamentazione, strategia, controllo di gestione) per mettere a disposizione dei numerosi professionisti, che svolgono la propria attività nelle materie di interesse di APB, i mezzi per acquisire più ampie competenze specialistiche. Troverai le necessarie informazioni sul sito https://apb.it/categorie-corsi/corsi-di-aggiornamento/
Nel corso del 2019 abbiamo presentato un primo percorso formativo di grande contenuto e valore, gestito ed erogato da APB srl con il patrocinio e la supervisione scientifica di APB Associazione, che inizia dal Controllo di Gestione e che si svilupperà con riferimento agli aspetti regolamentari e a quelli della strategia.
La prima e la seconda edizione di questo percorso sul controllo di gestione si sono svolte con un elevatissimo gradimento da parte dei numerosi partecipanti
In allegato, trovi la presentazione della terza edizione. I diversi moduli possono essere seguiti singolarmente ed il costo per modulo appare altamente concorrenziale e tale da essere inserito nei programmi di formazione finanziata.
Ti ricordiamo, al proposito, che APB srl è certificata UNI EN 9001:2015 per la progettazione e l’erogazione di corsi di formazione. Gli istituti creditizi e assicurativi potranno, quindi, richiedere i finanziamenti erogati dal Fondo Banche e Assicurazioni (FBA) a copertura dei costi, per coloro che partecipano ai nostri corsi. Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito www.fondobancheassicurazioni.it
Provvederemo, inoltre, a consentire l’iscrizione modulo per modulo, al fine di poter richiedere il finanziamento di corsi distinti, così da consentire la completa copertura.
Al fine di consentire un adeguata predisposizione logistica e ricordando che il numero massimo di partecipanti è di 15 persone, si prega di inviare al più presto la comunicazione di interesse alla partecipazione e la scheda di iscrizione almeno una settimana prima della data di inizio del corso.
Rimanendo a disposizione per ogni informazione aggiuntiva che si rendesse necessaria ti invio miei più cordiali saluti in attesa di incontrarti personalmente in uno dei nostri eventi.
Per il C.d.A.
Il Presidente