da Maineri Bruno | Gen 4, 2025 | Vigilanza
Elenco degli Orientamenti e delle Raccomandazioni delle Autorità europee di vigilanza (European Supervisory Authorities)
Orientamenti congiunti sulla cooperazione in materia di sorveglianza e sullo scambio di informazioni tra le autorità europee di vigilanza (AEV) e le autorità competenti ai sensi del regolamento (UE) 2022/2554
da Maineri Bruno | Nov 30, 2024 | Eba
29 novembre 2024
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published the autumn edition of its risk assessment report (RAR). The Report is accompanied by the publication of the 2024 EU-wide transparency exercise, which provides detailed information, in a comparable and accessible format, for 123 banks from 26 countries across the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).
Highlights of the EBA risk assessment:
EU/EEA banks continue to operate in an environment of slow economic growth and downside risks due to geopolitical risk.
Lending is picking up slowly, while banks’ asset quality marginally deteriorated.
Direct exposures of the EU banking sectors towards geopolitical risky countries are limited yet second round risks can be material.
Risks relevant to CRE sector and the interlinkages with non-bank financial intermediaries remain significant for the EU banking sector.
Climate and physical risks should not be underestimated.
EU/EEA banks maintained strong capital positions. CET1 headroom remains well above overall capital requirements (OCR) and Pillar 2 Guidance (P2G).
Profitability remains high, yet its sustainability is challenging, EU/EEA banks’ valuation lags in relation to their global peers.
Operational risks, particularly those associated with cyber threats, are increasing.
EU/EEA banks resort to AI to foster efficiencies and General-Purpose AI (GPAI) is gaining traction. But their growing use is not without risks.
Download https://www.eba.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2024-11/f03ee0c1-7258-4391-8bf1-578924956049/EBA%20Risk%20Assessment%20Report%20-%20Autumn%202024.pdf
da Maineri Bruno | Nov 25, 2024 | ESMA, Consiglio d'Europa
19 novembre 2024
Il Consiglio ha adottato oggi un nuovo regolamento sulle attività di rating ambientale, sociale e di governance (ESG). Le nuove norme mirano a rendere le attività di rating nell’UE più coerenti, trasparenti e comparabili al fine di rafforzare la fiducia degli investitori nei prodotti finanziari sostenibili.
I rating ESG forniscono un parere sul profilo di sostenibilità di un’impresa o di uno strumento finanziario, valutandone l’impatto sulla società e sull’ambiente e l’esposizione ai rischi associati alle questioni di sostenibilità.
I rating ESG hanno un impatto sempre più importante sul funzionamento dei mercati di capitali e sulla fiducia degli investitori nei prodotti di investimento sostenibili.
Le nuove norme sono intese a rafforzare l’affidabilità e la comparabilità dei rating ESG migliorando la trasparenza e l’integrità delle attività effettuate dai fornitori di rating ESG e prevenendo potenziali conflitti di interessi.
In particolare, i fornitori di rating ESG stabiliti nell’Unione dovranno essere autorizzati dall’Autorità europea degli strumenti finanziari e dei mercati (ESMA), essere soggetti alla sua vigilanza e rispettare obblighi di trasparenza, in particolare per quanto riguarda la metodologia utilizzata e le fonti di informazione. I fornitori di rating ESG stabiliti al di fuori dell’Unione che desiderano operare nell’Unione dovranno ottenere l’avallo dei loro rating ESG da parte di un fornitore di rating ESG autorizzato nell’UE, un riconoscimento basato su un criterio quantitativo o essere inclusi nel registro UE dei fornitori di rating ESG sulla base di una decisione di equivalenza.
Il regolamento introduce il principio della separazione delle attività commerciali al fine di prevenire i conflitti di interesse.
Prossime tappe
Il regolamento sarà pubblicato nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell’UE, entrerà in vigore 20 giorni dopo e si applicherà 18 mesi dopo la data di entrata in vigore.
da Maineri Bruno | Nov 21, 2024 | BRI Basel
Basel Committee reaffirms expectation to implement Basel III; finalises guidelines to strengthen banks’ counterparty credit risk management; and progresses work to strengthen supervisory effectiveness
Press release | 20 November 2024
Unanimously reaffirms expectation to implement Basel III in full, consistently and as soon as possible.
Finalises guidelines for strengthening banks’ counterparty credit risk management.
Progresses work to strengthen supervisory effectiveness following the 2023 banking turmoil.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision met in Basel on 19–20 November 2024 to take stock of recent market developments and risks to the global banking system, and to discuss a range of policy and supervisory initiatives.
Implementation of Basel III
Committee members unanimously reaffirmed their expectation of implementing all aspects of the Basel III framework in full, consistently and as soon as possible. Such a commitment was also recently reiterated by G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors.
As part of its Regulatory Consistency Assessment Programme, the Committee reviewed and approved the assessment reports on the implementation of the Net Stable Funding Ratio and large exposures framework by Korea. The reports will be published next month.
Non-bank financial intermediation
The Committee discussed banks’ interconnections with non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI). NBFI continues to grow and evolve in ways that could present risks and vulnerabilities to the global banking system. Banks are connected to NBFI through a wide range of direct and indirect activities and services. Data gaps hinder the effective measurement and management of risks to banks from their NBFI interconnections. Banks and supervisors must continue to be vigilant to these risks and to better gauge the range and materiality of interconnections.
The Committee reviewed the comments received to its consultation on guidelines for counterparty credit risk management. Building on the feedback received, it approved a final set of guidelines that seek to address weaknesses in banks’ counterparty credit risk management exposed in recent episodes of NBFI distress. The finalised guidelines will be published next month.
2023 banking turmoil
The Committee discussed its work to develop a suite of practical tools to support supervisors in their day-to-day work as part of its efforts to strengthen supervisory effectiveness in light of the lessons learned from last year’s banking turmoil. This work covers the supervision of liquidity risk and interest rate risk in the banking book, the assessment of the sustainability of banks’ business models, and the importance of effective supervisory judgment. An update on this work will be published in early 2025.
Prudenti policy
The Committee took stock of the range of practices adopted by jurisdictions that set a positive rate for the Basel III countercyclical capital buffer when risks are judged to be neither subdued nor elevated. As previously noted, the Committee supports and sees benefits in the ability of authorities to set such a positive “cycle-neutral” rate. To that end, it agreed to publish a report on existing practices to support jurisdictions that wish to apply positive cycle-neutral rates. The report will be published next month.
Members also discussed the comments received to the Committee’s consultation on measures to address “window-dressing” behaviour by some banks in the context of the framework for global systemically important banks. Work on addressing such behaviour will continue in 2025.
Climate-related financial risks
The Committee continued to review its proposed Pillar 3 disclosure framework for climate-related financial risks. It anticipates the finalisation of this work in the first half of 2025
da Maineri Bruno | Nov 19, 2024 | Eba
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has appointed Kamil Liberadzki as new Director of its Economic & Risk Analysis Department. Kamil Liberadzki, who will be responsible for assessing and monitoring financial stability and the risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking and financial sector, takes up his new role on 18 November 2024.
da Maineri Bruno | Dic 25, 2020 | APB
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Bruno Maineri
Associazione Italiana per la Pianificazione ed il Controllo di Gestione nelle Banche, nelle Società Finanziarie e nelle Assicurazioni
339 586 7552
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