APB News

Climate risk stress test SSM stress test 2022

27 Gen, 2022 | Regolamentazione e norme

As a competent authority, the European Central Bank (ECB) is required to carry out
annual stress tests on supervised entities in the context of its Supervisory Review and
Evaluation Process as set out in Article 100 of CRD IV.
The draft European Banking Authority (EBA) Guidelines on institutions’ stress testing1
leave room for competent authorities to follow various approaches.
The ECB will carry out a stress test exercise on climate risk as its annual supervisory
stress test for 2022.
The methodological requirements described in the following sections of this document
are to be considered as a uniform methodology for conducting a bottom-up exercise
and are not intended to form the basis of any future regulations.
This document draws on several sources, including the ECB Guide on climate-related
and environmental risks2 and the EBA Report entitled “On management an


ECB Climate risk stress test