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Eventi formativi organizzati da APB e APB srl

Eventi formativi organizzati da APB e APB srl

Gentili Soci ed Amici, la disponibilità del sito implica che ogni comunicazione da parte di APB viene effettuata con la pubblicazione  in questa sezione del sito, nella chat Whatsapp, in Linkedin e per mail. Preghiamo i Soci e gli amici di porre attenzione al mittente di ogni comunicazione dal momento che sembra che il nome e ll marchio APB siano...

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SREP results 2020: banks show resilience but weaknesses remain

Digital transformation of supervision picks up pace

17 February 2021 Digitalisation has become increasingly important in recent years. However, digital transformation is an ambitious and wide-ranging process, as it requires rethinking organisational structures and adapting the working culture. In 2020 European banking supervision presented its comprehensive action plan to drive forward digital...

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MARCO DI ANTONIO COMMENTO ALL’ARTICOLO DI MAURIZIO BARAVELLI: “Modelli di business e modelli manageriali della banca. Dal rischio di business model al rischio strategico. Verso una revisione del framework dei rischi bancari ?”

MARCO DI ANTONIO COMMENTO ALL’ARTICOLO DI MAURIZIO BARAVELLI: “Modelli di business e modelli manageriali della banca. Dal rischio di business model al rischio strategico. Verso una revisione del framework dei rischi bancari?” Strategia di business, idea di business (business idea), formula imprenditoriale, strategia e modelli strategici, modello...

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SREP results 2020: banks show resilience but weaknesses remain

Digitalisation disrupts traditional banking? – Speech by Pentti Hakkarainen, Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, at the 5th Afore Conference

Digital technology has been challenging traditional banking value chains for quite some time and the pandemic is speeding up this process.In my remarks today I will share some thoughts on how modern technology can bring positive change to the financial industry in the coming decade. I am optimistic that the powerful innovative and competitive...

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SREP results 2020: banks show resilience but weaknesses remain

Climate change and central banking

Keynote speech by Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, at the ILF conference on Green Banking and Green Central Banking Frankfurt am Main, 25 January 2021 In the famous fable “Belling the Cat”,[1] a group of mice gather to discuss how to deal with a cat that is eating them one by one. They hatch a plan to put a bell on the cat so they can...

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